Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vislang | Final Statement

1) For the final project of the semester I had a fun time. Even though I had fun, I still learned a lot. At first, I wasn't sure how to combine all the communication models into a single project. However, I decided to combine the skills that I learned from our Narrative class with the skills I learned in Visual Language. It started with a focus on my own communication model and the way I structured it. I had to make sure that it felt connected to my 1950s idea. After that, it was only a matter of getting the footage and organizing it into a neat package. I definitely learned to time manage. It is hard to rely on different people and direct them into doing what you envision for the final product. Scheduling can become problematic for making sure everything is done on time. Other than that, I learned to reinterpret things in a new medium.

2) This semester was a lot of new things. It was definitely a lot of theory, but that was the easy part. The hardest part of the semester was finding a voice and a style. I feel like I had tunnel vision and focused on all the wrong parts. In the end, this produced the mediocre work. I realize now, that I should have focused more on my strengths and work on my weaknesses.

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