Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Six Similarities Diagram

The six most common things I found in all 4 diagrams were as follows: source, receiver, channel, message, noise and feedback. These seemed to be the most prevalent themes throughout the 4 diagrams, and these seem to be the most important elements in the overall system. I feel like the other information in the diagrams was secondary, and although important, wasn't the foremost concern.


AGallagher said...

organic growth:
"define experience" - hi-lighted words makes me think of online (wiki), make me think text, makes me not want to read it, needs more objects to make me interested in continuing. Is there an end in sight? ((LEAST successful and interesting)) The more text there is, especially when it seems endless, makes me fall asleep and stop caring. people shy away from things that are too text heavy. command Q.

casual conversation:
love the idea of hand illustration- very visually interesting
book form for this concept is good, brings in interest, makes me want to follow the conversation- be careful that it doesn't start looking too comic-book (cliche)
has the possibility of continuing on the back, looping back to the start, an endless circuit
-don't introduce too many characters, maybe a max of 3. I want to know more about the characters and what they do and how they interact than how many characters you can draw and cram into a book.

stop motion:
also a good idea, very interesting, could still include lots of humor, less interactive but still very fun- try having physical letters/type on a wall- don't make the text computer generated. Your photo quality will have to be very high. The worse the photos look the less interested I will be in what you have to say. You have a chance to include your personal style with how the people look, how the photos look, etc.

Lance Flores said...

I feel that you had some great concepts. I like the idea of the growth one, and how users can select their own path in building the info graphic. The other two concepts were pretty similar, but different approaches, and in all actuality...just the stronger of the 3. I really like the stop motion! It's humorous and visually pleasing, but like everyone has already said it's not as interactive with the viewer. The illustrations have great potential for making your piece that much more of a refined graphic design artifact. (They play well) I'm not sure if you are thinking about using color, but I think color (very subtle usage) could be nice as highlighting special things. (annotations, etc.).

b said...

yeah, uh I thought It a good idea, I wasn't getting grow from the drawings at least structurally.