Sunday, November 1, 2009

Postcard 2

I think that the point of postcard is very clear. There is a tight cropping of Barak Obama's mouth. Even though most of the face is unseen, it is obviously him because he is such a recognizable icon. The microphone has become a secondary part of the portrait, becoming his tool. The close crop also shows of intimacy with the speaker, and importance of his words. I think the whole picture speaks of the power of words and political rhetoric, especially seeing as how Barak Obama is a great public speaker.

This obviously works as communication because of the knowledge of who the speaker is. If I didn't know who Barak Obama was, the message would be lost. I suppose you could say that it is very ethos. At first my partner didn't respond, so I was lost, because I didn't know whether to keep going the direction I initially intended to, or to wait for their response. I think that definitely brought a lot of noise into the conversation because I didn't know if they interpreted my idea correctly or not.

In relation to the first postcard I posted I think that the idea I was initially trying to communicate was ultimately interpreted correctly. I was trying to relay the idea of power and maturity with my photograph, and hoping that my partner would receive that idea. He took it in stride and further developed it by juxtaposing it next to a powerful speaker. The power of speech and rhetoric is prevalent as theme in both postcards.

1 comment:

Atnuks said...

You definitely read into my picture the way I had intended. I was trying to convey a sense power that the microphone brings especially in the hands of someone as powerful as the president, but did not set a venue for the event leaving it open to whether it was positive or negative depending on how you viewed barrack. By cropping his face and not showing a place I was trying to give more importance to the microphone. I find it interesting that your original picture i did not make me want to go for someone powerful at first it just seemed like it could empower someone to step behind it, yet I took it that direction and it was the direction you wanted the picture to go. Good fun, by the way my apologies for the late post.